Social Media Marketing part-13
Tips on unique ways to deliver your message
Use PowerPoint presentations.
Tired of old-school paragraph posts? Then create a powerful presentation instead and add some exciting designs and animations.
Use images.
You can also make a graphic art of what you want to say.
Use video clips.
This is just like doing a PowerPoint presentation.
Use voice clips.
Try something new once in a while and convey your message through a recorded voice. This is actually a more effective marketing strategy because a voice can be more encouraging than written words.
Combine all of the above.
All the tricks used above can be used at the same time. This will make for a unique and effective way of communicating with your subscribers.
Use lists and bullet points.
A long paragraph is tiring to read. Make it easier for your subscribers to read by making a list instead.
Use uppercase letters on important words.
This is one way to entice your subscribers to read a rather boring-looking paragraph. Highlight words like BONUS, SALE, PROMO, and such. Seeing keywords like these ones will surely catch their attention.
Use double quotations as necessary.
Other than CAPSLOCK, this is another effective way to highlight an important word.
Use underlines as necessary.
Underlines are also an effective highlighting element.
Use highlighting if your social media blog allows this feature.
Adding a colored highlight to a word will probably make it stand out more than a capslock, a double quote, or an underline can. Sadly, not all social media sites offer the option.
Know the proper use of the opening word “ATTENTION!”
Sometimes, you can simply start a paragraph with “ATTENTION!”. Use this sparingly. And make sure that the message is really worth the opening.
Occasional humor is okay.
Professionalism should be observed at all times but some humor will put a smile on the face of your readers. If they are happy, they are more likely to buy.
- Subscribe to newsletters of affiliates.
- Subscribe to newsletters of similar groups
- Subscribe to newsletters of competitors.
- Tips on improving customer relationships
Write about the success stories of your customers.
Feature examples of some of your customers who liked your service and/or product. This will invite others to avail of your product/service as well.
Post-how-to guides for your subscribers.
It has been proven in internet marketing that most internet users like reading how-to-guides. If you always provide some once in a while, people will keep coming back to check your page.
Include guides about things to avoid.
This way, your customers and subscribers will feel that you actually care about their well-being. This will be good for your business. Just make sure that the guide is related to your market niche.
Post interviews with a successful client
Do not just tell stories about a successful customer and/or client. Instead, you should probably post a video of an interview. This is a lot more convincing than just plain text.
Avoid recycling previous messages.
You may have no choice but to recycle content in some instances. But avoid it if at all possible. Some users will still notice that content is recycled even after a lot of editing and changes.
Avoid recycling multimedia elements.
Not just words and articles, but multimedia content may also be recycled. But do so only when you have no choice. Also, you should edit it so that it is not recognizable as a recycled item.
Send out important newsletters to subscribers.
Sometimes, subscribers just stop checking out your page and it is not even your fault. Maybe they just got busy for a period of time and forgot. In which case, it helps to remind them through newsletters.
Always use courteous greetings, daily if possible.
On days when you have nothing to say, perhaps a simple “Good morning” and “Good evening” or “Happy lunchtime” will do. You may also use greetings as an opening to any announcement. Your subscribers will like a courteous attitude.
Make sure your subscribers feel that they are always up-to-date.
This is one of the advantages of making announcements and news regularly. Our subscribers will feel that they are not left out of the latest about your company.
Talk about the latest trends that you know your subscribers will like and love to hear about.