Article Marketing Part-4

The power of a strategy

Article marketing can be as easy or as hard as you want to make it.  If you want to take the easiest route imaginable – and who wouldn’t – then you need to have a proper strategy for getting the best possible results.

As we’ve said already, you can’t just write a single article and expect to get a deluge of visitors to your website.  You need to do more than that – much more.  If you visit Ezine Articles, one of the best-known article directories of all, and look up some of the most published authors on there, you’ll see that they have articles ranging in the THOUSANDS.

Now before all the blood drains from your face at the thought of having to write so many articles, don’t panic.  There are ways to make this task much easier, and I’ll reveal the best one a little later on.

But as a starting author, you should focus on getting those first few articles up and running.  The regular effort is what is needed here, and once you get a system in place you will find that the number of articles you have out and about for people to view can soon swell to impressive numbers.

So – first of all, get yourself a small notebook that you can use as an ideas notebook.  Why should you do this?  Well, regular article submissions to these sites mean writing articles on a regular basis.  And if you are going to do that, you need to be able to do something every day if you can.  It’s no good having a target to write a dozen articles a week and leaving it until the weekend to get everything done.

So why the notebook?  Well, it makes things a lot easier if you can simply grab a ready-made idea and start writing about it straight away.  If you have to spend some time sitting there thinking about what to write about you will find the whole task much more tiresome.

Keep that notebook handy and jot down ideas as and when they come to you; if you do this you’ll find you will never struggle for ideas and building up those articles on the sites will be a whole lot easier as a result.

Moving on, is there any set number of articles you should be writing every day?

The answer is ‘not really’ – it all depends on how quickly you want to build up a significant body of articles on the article directories, and how much time you can devote to writing them each day.  But even if you only write one a day you’ll still have thirty of them doing the rounds after just one month, so make the time wherever you can.  The results are worth it.