Product Launching Part-1

JVZoo is a website like ClickBank that makes it easy for marketers and publishers alike to take advantage of affiliate programs. Whether you choose JVZoo or another option like ClickBank, this is a fantastic way to make a huge profit and to drastically increase your sales. Read on to find out three of the biggest reasons why.

Benefit One: You Make More Sales

From the point of view of a publisher, this means that you can create a digital product such as an eBook and then allow affiliates to sell it. What this means, is that others will be able to direct traffic to your landing page or your checkout page and then when someone buys your product, you will have to pay a commission fee to the affiliate and a percentage to JVZoo as well.

At first, this might sound like you're essentially giving away your profit to a bunch of third parties after spending months working on it. The reality though is quite different. What is really happening here is that you are extending your sales hugely by creating an army of marketers who will all be pushing your products to audiences that otherwise wouldn't have seen them. This means your profits will grow hugely and more than cover the cost of the fees.

Benefit Two: You Carry On Selling

More to the point though, you can do all this while carrying on selling your product directly from your own landing page. In other words, any money you make through JVZoo will be made on top of your existing profits so there's literally no downside. Even if you only make one extra sale and you pay 60% commission, that's still 40% of one sale that you wouldn't have made otherwise.

The only risk here is that your affiliates may be so good that they start to cannibalize your own sales meaning that people are buying from them instead of you directly. The web is a huge place so this rarely happens but if it does then you can always just take your product off of JVZoo Ð you stay in complete control the entire time.

Benefit Three: You Get Free Exposure

Another point that often gets overlooked is that you get completely free exposure by using tools like JVZoo. In other words, when an affiliate promotes your product, they will also be promoting your brand. Then, even if they don't make a sale, you'll still be increasing your brand recognition and absolutely free of cost!