YouTube Marketing Part-22

Using Viral Content-Creating Your Perfect YouTube Marketing Video 

Do you want to use YouTube for the marketing of your business, service, website, or product? Sure you do! By now you know that YouTube can be a powerful place to promote your business, just by creating some great videos that can drive traffic to your website.  

So how do you go about creating your perfect YouTube marketing video for your business? 

First, know that online video has its own rules. This means that you are not making a movie, Mr. Spielberg. You don't want your video to belong and dragging. For that reason, it is better to start out with a script. Trim out any unnecessary information. Nobody wants to hear you talking on and on. Remember in school when you were writing and they told you that it's better to show and not tell? That's the way it goes when you are creating your perfect YouTube marketing video.  

Try to keep the video itself under five minutes long. Do you think that's short? Well, consider the average commercial which runs around 45 seconds. But, while we're on the subject of commercials... 

Remember that your online video is not a commercial. Although it is technically an advertisement in the fact that you are trying to get people to purchase something in the long run, the typical youTube video is meant to entertain, educate, or inform. So don't treat it like a late-night infomercial.  

If your video does happen to be longer for some reason, this can happen in educational videos where you are teaching someone how to do something as part of your marketing ploy, consider breaking it up into segments. Later, you can combine the segments in a playlist. Why should you do this? Because your audience will then be able to skip ahead, or back, to the parts that they want to see.  

After all, if they know exactly what they are looking for, they don't want to sit through several minutes of something that they are not interested in just to get to it. As a matter of fact, they probably won't. Instead, they will just move away from the video.  

One of the best ways that you can go about creating your perfect YouTube marketing videos is to make something that is educational. Show your audience how to do something that is related to your product or business. People love to learn things. Then, at the end of the video, direct them to your website. This is a far less invasive form of advertising.