YouTube Marketing Part-14

The Perfect YouTube Marketing Video 

You have decided that you are going to make the perfect YouTube marketing video for your business or product. So, how do you proceed? The following article will give some tips on how to create a great video that will draw traffic to your website.  

  1. Don't try to be someone you're not. It's okay to create a “character” but don't try to act like someone else. People, in general, identify with “real” people. With all of the videos out there and bad acting, your audience is also going to be able to tell if you are faking it. If you are generally not good in front of a camera then you might want to bring someone else in whois. Just remember that being sincere and genuine is better than trying to act like, oh, Bob Barker.  
  2. Use a script. It's better to at least outline what you are going to say or do first. A script is a great idea, but if that turns you off then at least jot down some notes. While some people are good at “winging it”, most are not. It is also better to take out unnecessary details and only talk about the main points. You don't want people to get lost as you're talking.  
  3. Watch your lighting. Bad lighting can ruin a video. If it's too dark then people aren't going to be able to see you or what you are talking about. The same goes if it is too light. Remember, too, that standing under an overhead light that is really bright might give you raccoon eyes. Not attractive in the slightest, and just a little bit creepy.  
  4. Use a different microphone. Try not to rely on your camera's built-in microphone. It is not very good, even the best ones, and you need something stronger. If your audience can't hear you then there is really no point in your video. You can generally pick up an inexpensive microphone either on the internet or at a video electronics store. Ensure that it fits your camera, however.  
  5. Remember to give instructions. At the end of the video, your audience will need guidance. Don't forget to tell them to visit your website, buy your product, use your services-whatever. Just don't leave them hanging while you still have their attention.