Copywriting Part-6

Handling Objections 

Handling objections is an integral skill for good sales copywriting. 

Whenever a person reads a piece of sales copy, many questions would pop up in his mind in an attempt to “protect” him from “losing his money”. This is a natural behavior, and if you know how to handle these objections effectively in your copy as they emerge, you will be reaping massive rewards. 

Here’s a couple of commonly used techniques for handling objections: 
1) Testimonials 
Social proof is something almost everyone looks for when they wish to buy a product. The more convincing and authentic the testimonial seems the more they will believe the product is good. Try to include testimonials with snapshots of the buyer, or use video testimonials if even better. 
2) FAQS 
Having a frequently asked questions section helps greatly in overcoming any objections that appear. Here you can address all the common misconceptions that may sprout up such as how to use the product, for who is the product right for, and price concerns. 

3) Postscripts (P.S) 
P.S or Postscripts have been used extensively in sales letters to boost conversions. Before clicking the “Add to cart” button people will usually have a final line of defense that prevents them from making the purchase. If you have a couple of postscripts ready, you can give them that final nudge to make the purchase. 
4) Good reasons to buy 
A personal favorite of mine, this section gives your readers a couple of good reasons to help them rationalize their purchase and greatly boost your profits. 
Incorporate these great tools for handling objections in your sales copy and you’ll soon see a soar in your sales!