Article Marketing Part-10

Whatever you do… don’t forget the editing

Every single time you finish an article, you’re going to want to get it out there on the internet as soon as you possibly can.

But hold on a second.  Don’t forget that it’s not just there to create a backlink.  It’s there to grab readers and get them interested in your subject – the subject that is related to what you are selling.

That means you need to be absolutely certain that your writing is top-notch and it isn’t going to let you down.  Check all your facts, read through everything as thoroughly as you can, and make sure you haven’t thrown in any spelling errors.  It is usually worth waiting for a day or two to edit what you have written, instead of publishing it straight away and then spotting errors once it is live on the internet.

Another part of editing that is very important has to do with the format of your article.  Don’t fall into the trap of using lots of long sentences or paragraphs.  When people are reading an internet page they like it to be easy to look at.  Think short sentences and break it up as much as you can.  Bullet points are great for doing this, and they have the added bonus of drawing the eye inwards and attracting more interest to your article

Article Marketing Part-11=> A bonus tip to get you started