Twitter Profits Part-3

Making Your Twitter Account Professional—Choosing the Right Username

One thing that you have to remember all the time is that you are going to use your Twitter account for expanding your business. Therefore, it certainly pays for you to have a professional-looking Twitter account.

The first impression on anyone that decides to follow you on Twitter is in the name you choose on the website. The name you choose could be your brand name, your pen name, or the name of your business or website. There are other things you can choose as well, but the most highly recommended option is to choose something from among these options.

Remember that the name you choose on Twitter will figure in your Twitter profile URL like this:

That’s one place where you can promote your brand. Have your brand name as your Twitter name and it will figure in your Twitter profile URL.

But if brand name establishment isn’t your prerogative, then you might want to use some specific keywords pertaining to your business as your Twitter username. This could be the name of your niche market. The added benefit here is that the keywords in your Twitter profile URL will help it get ranked better on search engines and you can attract some unexpected flow of traffic as well.

For instance, make your Twitter profile name something like weight-loss-in-a-week and your highly enhanced Twitter profile URL will appear like this:

Beautiful, isn’t it? Watch out for our next installment in this Twitter course.