Twitter Profits Part-6

A Few Suggestions About Your Twitter Profile

There are so many things we can do to enhance our Twitter profiles. We have been speaking about these for a while now but the list seems to be unending. Here are some more suggestions…

Make sure to select the time zone that you are in. This allows other people to know when you will be available for tweeting.

Another thing to localize yourself is to mention your geographical location. You might feel this to be too intrusive but it is actually good for business because people in your local area will want to contact you more for the reliability and the convenience factor.

You can also set the language and even opt for translation into other languages if you are trying to tap into a non-English speaking market.

Now, this is an important point. There is an option on Twitter to protect your updates. When you check that, you only let people whom you approve follow your updates. However, by doing that, you are stopping people who wish to communicate with you and probably follow you. The best thing to do is to make your Twitter updates unprotected so that everyone can access your updates.